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To ensure academic progress towards degree, the College requires all students maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to be considered in Good Academic Standing. Note some degree programs have additional program-specific requirements for academic standing. 

Academic warning and probation designations are designed to serve three purposes: (1) to formally communicate to a student their academic performance is inadequate; (2) to inform students of resources available to assist them in improving their performance; and (3) to give students whose success is in doubt, an additional opportunity to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance before they are separated from the college.

Academic Warning serves as the initial notice to a student who has attempted less than 24 credit hours that their performance is not currently meeting the minimum grade point requirement. Academic Warning will be assigned if the cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. 

Academic Probation is assigned at the end of the term to students failing to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA* who have attempted at least 24 credit hours.

Relaunch Term is assigned upon admission when the cumulative GPA is below 2.0 for (1) readmitted students who have had a break of enrollment of at least 3 years and (2) transfer students. 

Academic Suspension is imposed when a student currently on Academic Probation fails to achieve a term GPA of 2.0*. Students placed on Academic Suspension are ineligible to enroll in any courses for at least one academic term (summers included). Academic Suspension also prohibits participation in varsity athletics, clubs and organizations, receiving federal and state financial aid, and living in college housing.

*For students on academic probation or academic suspension, an incomplete grade of "I" will be given grade points based on the grade submitted by the instructor on the incomplete grade form that should be assigned if no further work is submitted.

The table below shows the progression for students with a cumulative GPA that remains below 2.0:

Academic Standing at the Start of Term

Academic Standing at End of Term

if term GPA is at least 2.0

Academic Standing at End of Term

if term GPA is below 2.0

(Continued) Academic Warning

Continued Academic Warning if the student has attempted <24 credits, or
Continued Academic Probation if the student has attempted at least 24 credits

Academic Probation

(Continued) Academic Probation

Continued Academic Probation

Academic Suspension

Academic Suspension

Continued Academic Probation

Academic Suspension

Relaunch Term

Continued Academic Warning if the student has attempted <24 credits, or
Continued Academic Probation if the student has attempted at least 24 credits

Continued Academic Probation

 Appeal of Academic Suspension

Students who have extenuating circumstances having adversely affected their academic performance may submit an appeal to the Academic Standing Appeals Committee for immediate readmission.  Appeals must be received by the date designated by the Registrar. Appeals received after the deadline will be considered only for a subsequent term.  Appeals are considered on a case-by-case basis and the Committee has the right to restrict enrollment and course selection.  For more information on how to submit an appeal, contact the Office of the Registrar. 

Return to CCGA after Academic Suspension

Unless readmitted on appeal, a student returning to school after Academic Suspension must reapply to the College.  Upon readmission, the student will meet with a representative in the COMPASS Center for Career and  Academic Advising to develop an academic improvement plan.   All students returning to CCGA after suspension, whether through appeal or readmission, must maintain a term GPA of 2.0.  Failure to do so will result in an additional suspension without the possibility to appeal. 


All institutions of the University System of Georgia are on a 4.0 grade point system. The following grades are approved for use in institutions of the University System of Georgia and are included in the determination of the grade point average:

A - Excellent (4.0)
B - Good (3.0)
C - Satisfactory (2.0)
D - Passing (1.0)
F - Failure (0.0)
WF - Withdrew, Failing (0.0)

The following symbols are approved for use USG institutions in the cases indicated but shall not be included in the determination of the GPA: 

I - A grade of "I" means that the student was doing satisfactory work, as indicated by a grade of “C” or better, and had completed a majority of the coursework at the time the student requests the "I", but, for documented, non-academic reasons beyond the student’s control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course during the semester scheduled. An “I” cannot be granted before the last day to withdraw without academic penalty from the course. The assignment of an “I” is at the discretion of the faculty teaching the course and must be documented via the Incomplete Grade Request form and must be approved by the Dean.  The remaining coursework and the deadline for completion, which should not exceed one semester (excluding summer session), should be determined by the course faculty.  Under exceptional circumstances, the student may apply, in writing and with supporting documentation, for an extension beyond the deadline set by the faculty. If the coursework is not completed by the deadline, the faculty member will contact the Registrar to change the grade from the “I” to the grade indicated by the faculty on the Incomplete Grade Request form. An “I” grade does not indicate course completion and will not satisfy any pre-requisite requirement. 

IP - indicates that progress was insufficient for course completion and that credit has not been given for the course. This is a final grade and this symbol cannot be substituted for an I.

AW - indicates that a student was administratively withdrawn without academic penalty.

P - indicates that a student has passed the course.

W - indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without academic penalty.  Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after the mid-point of the total grading period, including final examinations, except in cases of hardship as determined by the appropriate official of the respective institution. 

WM - indicates a student was permitted to withdraw under the Board of Regents policy for military service refunds. The use of this symbol indicates that this student was permitted to withdraw without penalty at any time during the term.

S - indicates that credit has been given for completion of degree requirements other than academic coursework. 

T - indicates a transfer course. Transfer courses accepted for students who initially entered CCGA during or after Summer 2002 are designated by a grade and the accompanying T symbol, (e.g., AT).

U - indicates unsatisfactory performance in an attempt to complete degree requirements other than academic coursework.

V - indicates that a student was given permission to audit a course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. Students may register, however, on a credit basis for a course that has previously been audited.

K - indicates that a student was given credit for the course via a credit by examination program approved by the respective institution’s faculty (e.g. CLEP, AP, Proficiency).

* - indicates coursework is for institutional credit only and will not count towards a degree (e.g., institutional credit, Learning Support)

NR - indicates grade not reported by the instructor.

# - indicates Academic Renewal.

CR - indicates credit for approved life experience (e.g., PE credit for military service).

^ - indicates a transfer class was not accepted in transfer to satisfy a chosen degree.

% - indicates a Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) deficiency has been fulfilled. 


Students transferring academic work from another accredited institution will receive credit hours and grades. All courses taken at the prior institution will be shown on the CCGA Transcript. All transferred courses may not be used to meet specific programs requirements. The College reserves the right to deny credit for any course taken while a student is under suspension from any college or university.


The College uses the following grade point scale when determining grade point averages:  A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0, WF = 0.  For any course where one of these grades is given, students earn total grade points equal to the (grade points associated to the letter grade) x (course credit hours).  For example, a grade of A in a three-credit course gives 4 x 3 = 12 total grade points.

For all courses attempted in which grades of A, B, C, D, F, or WF have been received, a grade point average (GPA) is calculated by finding the sum of total grade points and then dividing it by the sum of credit hours.  Specific GPAs include:

  • Term GPA: a calculation that only includes the graded courses for a specific semester. 

  • Institutional GPA: a calculation of the academic work completed at the College of Coastal Georgia. 

  • Cumulative GPA: a calculation of all academic work attempted by a student over the course of their academic career (transfer courses included). 

Since the cumulative grade point average is the most comprehensive reflection of a student’s academic achievement, it is the calculation used to determine academic standing. 

Institutional Credit courses and Advanced Standing (AP, IB, CLEP credit) are not included any of the above calculations.




A student enrolled for twelve or more hours (or six or more hours in summer) with a term GPA of 3.50 to 3.99 is a Dean's List Student.


A student enrolled for twelve or more hours (or six or more hours in summer) with a term GPA of 4.00 is a President's List Student



Scholastic recognition at graduation will be based on an overall cumulative grade point average (GPA) calculated on the basis of all work in the student's college career, including any attempted at other institutions. Credit by examination, DSST, CLEP, and AP credit, as well as courses specifically excluded by college policy cannot be used to in the GPA calculation for graduation with honors. The specific award, based on the student's cumulative GPA, will be one of the following:

Cum Laude 3.50-3.69

Magna Cum Laude 3.70-3.89

Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.00


Students who have maintained an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.75 for all work completed for an associate degree and have satisfactorily completed requirements for graduation will have their diplomas inscribed With Honors in recognition of high scholastic achievement.


When a student repeats courses in an attempt to earn a higher grade, only the grade from the initial attempt will be removed from a student’s institutional GPA and academic standing. If a student earns a lower grade in a repeat attempt, it is still the initial grade that is removed. If a student earns a grade in an initial attempt that meets a prerequisite, but a lower grade in a repeated attempt is too low to meet the prerequisite, the student has still fulfilled the prerequisite. If a student repeats a course at CCGA previously taken at another school, then the student may request that the transfer grade be removed from their overall cumulative grade point average. Exceptions to this policy will be rare and will require written permission from the Dean of the School. All attempts will be listed on the student’s transcript. Other colleges and specific program requirements/policies may require the use of grades from all classes on the student’s transcript to calculate grade point average when making program admission decisions.  During any semester in which a student is repeating a course, the student is encouraged to enroll in fewer credit hours to ensure success.  Students receiving federal and state financial aid are strongly encouraged to meet with the Office of Financial aid to determine how repeating a course will impact their receiving aid. 


Degree-seeking students who have experienced academic difficulty at the College can make a fresh start one time only, provided the following conditions are met:

  • An absence of at least three calendar years from any and all colleges or universities.

  • The request must be made within the first three semesters after re-enrollment or within one calendar year.

If Academic Renewal is approved, all previously attempted coursework continues to be recorded on the student's official transcript, as designated by the # symbol, but will NOT be calculated in the institutional grade point average. The Regents' Cumulative GPA is not adjusted.

Academic credit for previously completed coursework--including transfer coursework--will be retained only for courses in which an A, B, C or S grade has been earned. Retained grades are calculated in the Academic Renewal GPA.

Adjusted grade point averages created by Academic Renewal will not be used to determine Academic Honors for graduation or to supersede financial aid policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress or HOPE eligibility. Reentry into any program is not automatic.

Students requesting Academic Renewal should contact the Office of the Registrar.